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Sales Maven

Jun 28, 2021

Today Nikki is discussing the misunderstood sales strategies she is seeing and how this can affect your business. Nikki is giving her perspective on these strategies and hopes this episode will have you approaching your sales conversations a little differently, plus much more on this episode of the Sales Maven Show.

Jun 21, 2021

Today's episode is a little different; it's the first in a series she is launching called Mastering Excellence. Nikki's guest today is Shane Sams, the host of The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast and the Founder of Listen as Nikki asks Shane some questions she pulled from an NLP modeling project to tap...

Jun 14, 2021

Today, Nikki is celebrating another sales success story with a member of the Sales Maven Society, Kylie Cantu. Kylie is a performance-driven sales professional with a stellar record of connecting with customers and driving remarkable product and service sales. During her first strategy session with Nikki, Kylie's...

Jun 7, 2021

Nikki's guest for this On-Air Coaching Call is Geraldine Carter. Geraldine is the owner of She Thinks Big Coaching, where she helps her clients build and price services that will reduce workload while increasing revenue. Listen as she asks for Nikki's help with stories and talking points for a podcast tour she is going...